Sunday 27 May 2012

EXP3: 36 Custom Textures

I tried to explore both literal and conceptual ideas of movement. Conceptually, I explored elements such as the speed of the movement, the occurance of the movement in real life (eg, the 'tumbledryer' and the erratic butterfly pattern) and extended the simple drawings to more complex ones.
I did find it hard to be very diverse in my three personal words, and to have a variety within each word (eg, not having the same type of scalar transition just in different shapes.)

Thursday 24 May 2012

EXP3: 18 Two Point Perspectives

As expected, the two point perspectives were slightly difficult at first to understand, and then the changing angles from the top and bottom views also took some time to draw correctly.

With the two point perspectives I noticed my drawings and combinations were more focused on thinner spaces, that combined together into walls and more enclosed spaces.

First Set

Second Set

Third Set

Fourth Set

Fifth Set

Final Set

The power words this time were harder to choose, perhaps because the combinations were more complex or that they were more relate-able to spaces.
However, these combinations are much more interesting in my opinion, to the single point perspectives.

Monday 14 May 2012

EXP3: Power MashUp

Facebook: CNN, UK, Date Accessed: 14/05/2012

TakeTwo Interactive: New York Times, USA, Date Accessed: 14/05/2012

CocaCola: the guardian, UK, Date Accessed: 14/05/2012

To have power isn’t to simply be the most valuable or have a near monopoly in your sphere. It is to be more than bubbles underneath the currents of modern life, integrating into society through individual decisions and gaining loyalty. If you becoming a masterclass in the power of marketing, listening to the public and connecting with them, you are sure to gain extraordinary performance and then have the ability to dictate the terms of your influence.

Public influence, and being open to society, will be the undercurrents of my power ideal. My two chosen clients, Facebook and T2 are both prominent in their technological fields, however their success relies heavily on public opinion and as such they need to have a close relationship with their consumers and make strong connections with them.

Sunday 13 May 2012

EXP3: 18 single point perspectives

The task of combining three H's together in various ways while drawing them into a single point perspective seemed simple enough. I was a little daunted needing to draw two other angles as it wasn't as easy to calculate was was behind what as it was with the isometric drawings of the previous experiment.
It was quite challenging drawing the views from above and below because the drawings wouldn't fit onto the half-page and I would have to adjust the vanishing point to accommodate for this.

As I progressed with this first task, I aimed to make each combination more interesting and challenging, as well as playing with how they touch/intersect each other and furthermore how they can integrate together into a unified shape.
I would like to think that my combinations became more calculated.

First Set
Second Set
Third Set
Fourth Set
Fifth Set
Final Set

The power words I gathered from two tutors (Andrea and Jacky) as well as from my own inspirations. When allocating words I took into account the scale change due to the distance from the vanishing points, the ratio of each part to others, the extent of contact between the H's (or shapes that they created), and the directionality of the members (eg. outstretching or all contained).

Friday 11 May 2012

EXP3: Valley

My native country, where I was born, is Russia. Whenever I think about it, although I don't have any personal recollections of the scenery, I imagine pines, wild flowers, long grass or of course snowy forests. Russia isn't a particularly valley-filled country, except for the Kamchatka Mountains region. And it is here that you will find my Valley of Geysers:

The essences that I would like to take from this valley are the light feel of the air (due to the continuous steam flows), the winding river and the green-ness of the grass on a rocky terrain.

Completed valley inspired by Geyser Valley

The shape of the terrain, as well as my vegetation and rocks I am satisfied with. The valley should be steep, but not mountainous, and the river should look quite gentle but still be inset among high and low hills.
The particle effects took a while to adjust with their life spans and sizes, however I got there in the end. To avoid having to add many geyser effects and crashing CE3, I amplified the fog density for the entire day to create a smokey effect.

Sunday 6 May 2012

EXP2 Links

3D Warehouse link:

CryEngine3 Monument Level:

EXP2 Final Model

From the initial monument and with my electroliquid aggregation quote in mind, I developed the model into a piece of architecture that can develop spaces as the natural environment encompassing it develops.

View from down the river
A 'horizontal lift' powered partly by the river current transports students to the site from an alcove further up the river with road access (seen in the third image). The tracks semi-float on the river, and may possibly also mould. The 'lift' platform extends out to the ground.

'Living' Space
 Parts of the architecture itself, such as these ivy circles and the trees within the wooden path shape, will grow and alter the shape. This sprouts from my electroliquid aggregation concept of living architecture with growing spaces of both nature and the architecture.

Site overview

Sheltered space 
Play of shadows from the trees and lines of my 'light' material above

Overview 2
The final image is a view of the 'Space Between', the lower rectangle with circular insets. This space is a combination of natural and artificial elements, and is clad with my medium texture which I elaborated on in my previous post. 

Saturday 5 May 2012

EXP2 Wk3 36 Custom Textures

Creating our own transition of textures from light to dark proved to be a little more difficult that I initially anticipated. I found that I had an idea of either the light or dark ends, but with 4 transitions between the two I had to really thing about how it would develop, and through a 'zooming in' effect, multiplying effect or some other one relevant to the pattern.

Textures 1 & 2

Textures 3 & 4

Textures 5 & 6

As I worked on my textures, I tried to avoid in my later textures my tendency to stick to geometric shapes only. My most experimental was Texture 3, where I explored a familiar shape being distorted/viewed differently when repeated. 
To place into my model I chose the following three Light, Medium and Dark textures, respectively:

Light, Medium and Dark textures used in my monument

The light texture reminded me of rays of light, and the effect that it can have on the look and feel of a building at different angles. Seeing as I want my monument to mould and reflect it's surroundings, the lines could create an interesting effect with shadows and rays of light.
The medium texture I intend to use on the horizontal joining platform which will be a symbol of the platform and junction between architecture and nature. The texture itself shows a union of different lines that can be seen to form various shapes- so too can nature and architecture unite in different shapes.
The dark texture I have used on the central column. As it symbolises the strength of a tree trunk, I chose this texture due to its circular pattern mimicking the age rings of a tree.

Monument with applied custom textures

Thursday 3 May 2012

EXP2 Wk2 CE3 & Electroliquid Aggregation

My final 'monument' will be developed from the first combination.

F. Otto 'Space Efficient' &
E. Diller 'Manipulation of Natural Elements'
First phase in Sketchup

When considered, nature itself is very space efficient- using its surroundings to the most potential in seemingly sparse environments. For an example of this, see my 'Pre-Class Task' for ARCH1101 in which I provide a photograph of such a circumstance. At the same time, the environment plays a very large role in shaping architecture. One could say they are intertwined, and thus space efficiency has close ties to moulding with natural elements.
Once placed into an environment, and following more development into details this monument should reflect and interact with its surroundings fluidly.

The environment I have created is very linear and one can wonder as to whether an environment can be suited to architecture or the other way around. I find a particular magic about rivers in ravines- their persistence that has carved a path through colossal rocks, as well as the vegetation that still manages to grow and maintain their ancient presence.
The three vertical green elements are ivy covered, with metalic cross-beams. The rest of the structure is concrete, possibly of a low grade finish for a less artificial look. The inside of the blue room is lighter, as I'd imagine this is where some people could meet to discuss ideas and the light colour is inspired by the typical 'lightbulb idea'.

Electroliquid Aggregation: Living Architecture

Space Efficient: Frei Otto's architecture worked a lot on efficiency of space and materials through minimal path systems. This does not mean putting the most into a space- it is more getting the most out of a space. As a result, his works are all very calculated, yet still very dynamic and appealing.

Manipulation of Natural Elements: Manipulation is to skilfully edit or control something, which can be seen in The High Line Park where she effectively lifts the natural environment above a pedestrian area. Her architecture, though no always, does take into consideration and integration trees and greenery, through openness and perhaps even appreciation of what already exists. 

Both Space Efficiency and Manipulation of Natural Elements can be seen as our attempts at working within an environment. Usually considered oppositions, space efficiency suggests that one must compromise to work within but not as a part of its surroundings, and Diller's concept takes a step further by using its environment. In this sense, the electroliquid aggregation is the junction of human-made and natural- of something that is controlled, linear or ordered and something of randomness, flow and 'disorder'. Both inhabit a space and use it, and as such they shouldn't clash.

My electroliquid aggregation with this model is of Living Architecture. It grows around, within, and with its surroundings. Architecture creates shifting spaces as nature does, through extensions and demolitions, and with technology as well. Seasons can greatly impact what occurs with architecture too- for example if there is a vine covered wall, or a deciduous tree nearby. Architecture breathes and ages with time just as nature does, and accommodates for changes in the space around it, thus efficiently using the space while being moulded and united with nature.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

EXP2 Wk2 Parallel Projections

 The next task was to combine pairs of the 6 previous axonometrics into 3 combined 'monuments'. I wanted to combine them in more unique configurations, and in ways that considered their junction and the space they created together. To do so, I employed Sketchup to help me experiment with different combinations and see possibilities that in my head alone would be difficult to visualise.

The 6 original models and the 3 final combinations.
Grey: Frei Otto, White: Elizabeth Diller
The process of drawing the monuments I undertook manually, without using the Sketchup model to draw the opposite view. I did however use Sketchup to decide on the first view, to gain the most informative angle (for both sides). Here are my final 3 monuments:

Frei Otto: Space Efficiency & Elizabeth Diller: Manipulation of Natural Elements

With this combination, I believe the two models compliment each other very well. The only parts touching the ground are the column on the right (in the top view) and the longest vertical beam ofthe cross-hatching model encompassing the horizontal plane. This two-point support column is inspired by real tree trunks, that support a  large weight and wide canopy. This links with Diller's concept, and the Otto model compliments it by creating a structure reminiscent of vines or tangled branches.
At the same time, Diller's model also works with Otto's model for space efficiency, as it is raised and both creates and shelters a space beneath it. 
The union of the two manages a large ground space with a 'canopy' above. while still allowing for intimate spaces such as inside the 'tree', and in the surrounded path corner. 

Frei Otto: Undulating Forms & Elizabeth Diller: Public Exterior

These two forms I made to be an extension of each other. I believe the Diller model still carries through a sense of undulation through its flow of shapes. The monument sits on the two horizontal 'legs' as well as the small block seen in the bottom view. Both shapes accommodate ground space (as with the previous monument) but there are more 'nooks' with this one. This plays on the "Public Exterior" idea, where the entire shape in itself is quite open, but in still maintains private spaces. 
In my vision for this combination, the biggest block could suit an auditorium/theatre like set-up. The entire area is quite open, therefore most of the spaces would be outside. If I'm to further develop this monument, I will need to consider shelter options, as well as how to organise an open space around this central piece.

Frei Otto: Weightlessness & Elizabeth Diller: Free Flowing

[Please note the right drawing is taken from the angle indicated instead of from the opposing angle to allow for the viewing of the small rectangular prism. There is also one shape missing which can be seen in the sketchup model image above]
As with the first monument, the two concepts from my clients intertwine in this monument. The 'heavy' blocks from Diller's model are being supported by Otto's 'weightless' structure. giving the appearance of strength through minimal support- a trait very strong in most of Otto's work. The two aligning horizontal pieces from Otto's model (their tops are shaded in the right image) continue and extend the flowing shape of Diller's model. Overall both concepts are strengthened.
In terms of spaces created in their union, I have consciously created the covered space between the two models (the long 'corridor' with one side open). From this, a ground space was created beneath the monument, providing an area for architecture students from various schools to meet. 

Tuesday 1 May 2012

EXP2 Wk1 Cryengine model

I chose to develop my fifth axonometric in sketchup and then placing it into my CryEngine3 environment.

Elizabeth Diller: Aerodynamic/Undulating Forms

I chose this model as I felt it could interact the most effectively with the environment I had set up. It has what could be a major living space, as well as a smaller space (the red rectangular prism) that both have windows to take in the view from an elevated site.
As well as that, the undulating form of my model reflects the mountainous terrain on which it sits.

View one of my model in CryEngine 3

View two
The light orange material is bamboo/wooden to both blend in, in terms of natural materials, and to provide a 'sleekness' beside the rough trees to create a smoother and more pleasant living space. The red contracts work to bring highlights to the building as well as to represent the grandiose and important feel a house with a view would emanate.

EXP2 Wk1 Axonometric Drawings

The first class task for Experiment Two was to research our two clients Elizabeth Diller (from Diller Scofidio + Renfro Architects) and Frei Otto, then based on some concepts in their word draw 6 axonometric drawings constructed from 5 rectangles in positive or negative space.

I: Frei Otto - Space Efficient
II: Elizabeth Diller - Free-flowing/Clean Structure
III: Elizabeth Diller - Public Exterior
IV: Frei Otto - Weightless
V: Frei Otto - Aerodynamic, Undulating
VI: Elizabeth Diller - Manipulation of natural elements

Collection of axonometric drawings
representing concepts from Frei Otto and Elizabeth Diller

I redrew the first axonometric at a different angle, to give a clearer depth and heigh understanding:

First axonometric presented from a different view